Low Molecular Weight Proteins Expression - Nanoparticle Platform


Low molecular weight (LMW) proteins are difficult to produce immune response. Although the immune response can be enhanced by fusing tags, the structure of the target protein will mostly change, making it challenging to display the correct structure and most of the antibodies produced by immunization are also antibodies that recognize tags.

LMW biomolecules in the blood can be used as important biomarkers for early cancer diagnosis, but the low abundance of these LMW biomolecules (<10 kDa) has become a major obstacle. In addition, the concentration of carrier proteins (such as albumin and immunoglobulin (IgG)) is usually one billion-fold higher than these LMW proteins), masking LMW biomarkers and preventing their detection.

Low Molecular Weight Proteins Expression - Nanoparticle Platform

Our Platform

Most laboratories are not equipped with instruments with sufficient accuracy, precision, resolution and sensitivity, and many traditional methods cannot directly analyze low-concentration LMW proteins. Creative BioMart has specially built a nanoparticle technology platform based on the HEK293 expression system, which can enhance the immune response, display the correct structure, and have complete biological activity, in order to overcome the obstacles mentioned above to the greatest extent.

We have introduced a large number of experts in nanoparticle and immunology, and through multidisciplinary cooperation, our technology platform has become more and more powerful and efficient, so as to provide customers all over the world with high-quality and cost-effective services. According to the different needs of customers, we can also provide tailor-made one-stop service.

Low Molecular Weight Proteins Expression - Nanoparticle Platform 1


  • Display native conformation with complete biological activity
  • Enhance immune response
  • Can be used directly for phage screening
  • Can be used for immune/ELISA/SPR/BLI/cell experiments


  1. Mitchell, M.J.; et al. Engineering precision nanoparticles for drug delivery. nature reviews drug discovery. 2020.
  2. Khoury, L.R.; et al. Harvesting Low Molecular Weight Biomarkers Using Gold Nanoparticles. ACS Nano. 2015.
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