Quantitative Immune Checkpoint Protein Analysis

This service includes immune checkpoint ELISA kits and microplate readers.

Immune checkpoint ELISA kits

Creative BioMart offers featured immune checkpoint ELISA kits to customers. The ELISA kits are designed to enable accurate immune checkpoint quantitation in serum, plasma as well as tissue culture supernatant.

Microplate readers

Creative BioMart provides featured microplate readers for quantitative immune checkpoint protein analysis. Microplate readers are a kind of instruments used to detect biological, chemical or physical events of immune checkpoint targets in microtiter plates. There are several methods of microplate readers including absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence, time-resolved fluorescence (TRF), fluorescence polarization and light scattering and nephelometry. The most common application of microplate readers is ELISAs, but they also can be applied in nucleic acid quantitation, immunoassays and other assays. The most featured application of these readers is high throughput screening of compounds and targets in drug discovery.

Strengths of this service

  • Off-the-shelf immune checkpoint ELISA kit (>40 immune checkpoint targets).
  • Featured microplate readers to provide highly efficient immune checkpoint protein analysis.
  • Featured microplate readers to facilitate immune checkpoint inhibitor/antibody discovery.
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