TIGIT: CD155 [Biotinylated] Inhibitor Screening ELISA Kit
Product Description
Common Name
Product Overview
ID Components Size (96 tests)
ISK-014-1 High-bind Plate 1plate
ISK-014-2 Human TIGIT 10μg
ISK-014-3 Biotinylated Human CD155 35μg
ISK-014-4 Anti-TIGIT Neutralizing Antibody 20μg
ISK-014-5 Streptavidin-HRP 10μg
ISK-014-6 Coating Buffer 12mL
ISK-014-7 10xWashing Buffer 50mL
ISK-014-8 Blocking Buffer 50mL
ISK-014-9 Substrate Solution 12mL
ISK-014-10 Stop Solution 7mL
CD155 and ITIM domains (TIGIT) is a novel type of immune checkpoint. CD155 is an adhesion molecule that is upregulated during tumor progression and promotes the proliferative and migratory abilities of tumor cells via various pathways. TIGIT, an inhibitory receptor, is mainly expressed on natural killer (NK), CD8+ T, CD4+ T and T regulatory (Treg) cells. CD155 transmits immune signals via interacting with the inhibitory checkpoint receptor TIGIT, thereby inhibiting the function of T and NK cells.CD155 is highly expressed on the surface of DC cells. When TIGIT on T cells binds to CD155 on DC cells, CD155 will send signals to DC cells to up-regulate the secretion of IL-10 and down-regulate the secretion of IL-12, thereby weakening the immune response mediated by DC cells. DC cells are important antigen-presenting cells in the body, and reduced DC cell activity in turn reduces T cell activity.
96 tests
Assay range
Assay Principles
This inhibitor screening ELISA kit is designed to facilitate the identification and characterization of new TIGIT pathway inhibitors. The assay takes advantage of our in house-developed binding of biotinylated human CD155 to immobilized human TIGIT in a functional ELISA assay, and employs a simple colorimetric ELISA platform. Briefly, we provide you with a human Biotinylated CD155 protein, a human TIGIT protein, an anti-TIGIT neutralizing antibody (as method verified Std.), and Streptavidin-HRP reagent.
Your experiment will include 4 simple steps:
a) Coat the plate with human TIGIT.
b) Add your molecule of interest to the tests.
c) Add human CD155-Biotin to bind the coated human TIGIT.
d) Add Streptavidin-HRP followed by TMB or other colorimetric HRP substrate.
Finally, the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of your compound to TIGIT: CD155 binding will be determined by comparing OD readings among different experimental groups.
This kit is developed for screening for inhibitors of human TIGIT binding to human CD155.
See Certificate of Analysis for details of reconstitution instruction and specific concentration.
The unopened kit is stable for 12 months from the date of manufacture if stored at 2°C to 8°C.
The opened kit should be stored per components table. The shelf life is 30 days from the date of opening.
Data Sheet MSDS
For Research Use Only. Not intended for any clinical use. No products from Creative BioMart may be resold, modified for resale or used to manufacture commercial products without prior written approval from Creative BioMart.

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